Professional Coaching

Are you trying to balance the many demands on your time, often feeling overwhelmed and concerned that you are not good enough?

Do any of these challenges sound familiar?

  • You constantly compare yourself to your peers, convinced that they are more competent and capable than you. 
  • To quiet those nagging feelings of "not-good-enough," you tend to take on too much and throw yourself into work, sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
  • You are stuck on a roller coaster between procrastinating on important tasks and overworking to complete them at the last minute.
  • Delegating tasks is difficult, which leaves you feeling totally overwhelmed.
  • Even when you have valuable insights to contribute, you hesitate to speak up in meetings and have trouble communicating with confidence. 
  • You endlessly ruminate over feedback, viewing it as a threat to your competence and confirmation that you are not quite good enough, rather than an opportunity for growth.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way!

Evidence is growing for professional coaching as an effective method for addressing imposter syndrome, reducing burnout and enhancing resilience in doctors, and improving their overall quality of life. 

How would it feel to:

  • Shake off those imposter feelings, no longer feeling the need to constantly compare yourself to your peers?
  • Confidently speak up in meetings or job interviews, even if you are introverted by nature?
  • Welcome feedback as a gift, and an opportunity for growth and learning?
  • Overcome procrastination so you can move the needle on what really matters to you?
  • Have more good days at work – where you really make a difference for your patients – before coming home to enjoy a relaxed meal, without ruminating about the day?
  • Find that sweet spot of satisfaction, both at work and in your personal life?

Talk to me about personalised 1:1 coaching!

Book a discovery call

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
– Suzy Kassemdela

“What coaching clients say…”

Coaching sessions with Sonja were extremely helpful. After suffering a career setback, I was grateful for the opportunity to perform meaningful self-analysis and clearly identify my strengths as well as areas for growth. Together we developed a framework to tackle internal roadblocks (lack of confidence, reluctance to leave comfort zone) to overcome challenges. As a result, I have developed a more positive mindset and feel optimistic about future endeavours.

Sonja is calm, attentive and knowledgeable. She undoubtedly has a great deal of experience in helping medical professionals achieve their career goals. I was very impressed with her insightful observations and sincere feedback.

I highly recommend coaching with Sonja – it has been a very enlightening, fascinating and rewarding experience for me.”
-        Prish F

“Sonja is a wonderful coach, astute, kind, reassuring and with an incredible capacity to get to the essence of issues.”
– Maureen O

“It was really great working with Sonja on my career goal and then ways to build the confidence to achieve it. Sonja’s life experience was invaluable alongside her encouraging and focused manner. Coaching was a great experience.”
– Antonia K

“Coaching was extremely helpful in working through several important aspects in my life at the time and set me up for looking positively ahead, setting the good long-term habits I was also after.  I would recommend Sonja and Upward Strategy to anyone wishing to recalibrate their life or parts thereof."
– Gail v H

“I love how you held me accountable, there was no room for me to hide. Thank you once again, you have given me my confidence back”.
– Anonymous

“Sonja worked with me to identify and articulate my skills, which in turn had a positive impact on my self-confidence. The best part was that sessions felt like short conversations; yet at the end of each, I walked away with so much more (this is where I do admit to having been somewhat sceptical of coaching – not anymore!).

I often refer to the notes from our sessions – two points that I wrote during sessions are highlighted and my "go to" for advice: "look back on it; don't dwell on it" and "I am enough".

I can't recommend Sonja more highly – her manner, approach, professionalism, and leadership skills are second to none.”
– Dr Philip M

I am passionate about supporting medical professionals who struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome.  Through personalised coaching, I help my clients to develop strong self-belief, so they can lead authentically and confidently speak up in meetings, even if they are introverted by nature.

Additionally, I work with healthcare professionals to overcome procrastination, establish effective boundaries and enhance their work-life balance.  This enables them to avoid burnout, without compromising their personal and professional goals.

Let’s talk to see how we might work together!

Frequently Asked Questions about Coaching

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